Helmholtz Effect…what is it? Can Muggles hear?

Hear the sound of the universe from the conch As we all know, people cannot hear sound in the vacuum environment of the universe. But that you cannot hear it doesn’t mean it does not exist. Imagine that, what kind of sound would a satellite orbiting the earth make? In 2016, NASA and architectural design firm STUDIO KCA …
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Whose voice is the loudest in the world?

What is the loudest sound you have ever heard? The sound of firecrackers, construction sounds, the shouting of a group of people… these sounds are nothing. The loudest sounds in the world can be fatal. The unit of volume “decibel” is very special. Every increase of 10 decibels means that it is 10 times louder …
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What does sound like on an alien planet

Have you ever imagined what your voice would sound like if you could stand safely on an alien planet? Although we can’t go to other planets yet, sonologists can provide us with some conjectures.  Earth When you whisper in class, it is easy for teachers to find out, because the earth’s atmosphere is too suitable …
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Why do some sounds make people feel uncomfortable? You may be suffering from “phonophobia”

Have you ever felt this way: some specific sounds, which are obviously not too loud, can make people feel uncomfortable, such as nails scratching the blackboard, eating and chicking, coughing and clearing the throat, typing and typing, rough breathing… Why does the sound make people feel uncomfortable Some people feel resistant to specific voices, and …
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